About Me

My photo
I am currently an Oil and Gas Landman for Shelf Energy, LLC, but have accepted a position as an administrative assistant at Postlethwaite and Netterville in Baton Rouge that I start on August 19. We are supposed to close on our house next Friday and plan to move in on the same day! After that, it is just one week until I begin the MBA Professional Program at LSU. I cannot wait to really begin my life with my husband, and I look forward to many years of love and happiness with the best man in the world (besides my Dad)!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Crawfish Boil Shower

Mike and I during our gift opening!!

Friends since Kindergarten (that's 20 years!)

Here are a few of my bridesmaids and good girlfriends!

This is Mike and I with our fabulous friend and chef, Brandon.

We couldn't get enough of those delicious crawfish!


Mike and I just had our first shower hosted by our wedding party, and it was so much fun!!! We had all of our dear friends, most of the wedding party and our parents attend. The evening was filled with crawfish peeling and eating, a little beer drinking and tons of wonderful presents to start our new life together! We are both so excited for our wedding day and the anticipation grows by the day, so we have already started planning our house buying and budget!

Here are a few of the items that we received at the shower:

Blender (wedding party)
First Crystal :) -Wine glasses (Mom and Dad)
Tons of Tools (Mike's friends, parents, Jenny and Taylor-she even signed the card!)
Wine glasses, kitchen tools, tons of more kitchen stuff (the girls)


  1. Had so much fun with ya'll Sat- can't wait to see you in a few weeks! Love the new blog!
